
How can we improve educational systems and student outcomes?



在阿肯色州, 路易斯安那州, 和德州, 教育工作者, 学生, and 家庭 have shown remarkable resilience in overcoming challenges. 的se include COVID-19-related school closures and disruptions caused by natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes.

尽管做出了这些努力, student performance has yet to fully return to pre-pandemic levels, and achievement disparities persist among underrepresented groups. State educational agencies (SEAs) continue to diligently implement evidence-based practices to improve student outcomes, 缩小成绩差距, 减少教育机会的不平等.

综合中心网络(CCNetwork) features 20 federally funded 技术援助 Centers that address critical educational needs nationwide. Working alongside state, district, and local leaders​, the U.S. 教育部, 国家组织, 以及社区伙伴, these Centers provide free 服务 to support capacity-building in SEAs and local educational agencies (LEAs).

韦斯特领导的14区综合中心(R14CC), 与阿肯色州SEAs的领导人合作, 路易斯安那州, 和德州. 这种伙伴关系汇集了专家, 服务, and supports to tackle the region’s most complex challenges.


R14CC提供以客户为中心的功能, 以需求为基础, 共同创建能力建设服务, 由主题和从业者专家交付. 的 Center enhances the ability of state clients to identify and implement a range of supports for LEAs to improve student outcomes. 这包括选择和实施可持续发展, evidence-based practices (EBPs) that combine subject matter expertise with cutting-edge technologies, 例如人工智能(AI)和数据可视化.

的 R14CC recognizes the unique challenges and goals of each educational system. To maximize its impact, the Center categorizes projects into 5 key areas. 的se areas address high-priority challenges identified collaboratively across the region.

  • 大学和职业准备: Developing skills and academic preparedness for a global, knowledge-based economy.
  • 教育家有效性: Raising academic expectations through culturally responsive and equity-focused education practices.
  • 有效的指令: Scaling instructional leadership models to advance student outcomes.
  • 组织的有效性: 通过调整内部流程来协助各国, 优化资源配置, and cultivating a culture that maximizes educational impact.
  • 学校和社区卫生: Providing resources and partnerships to improve student and staff well-being.

This strategic organization allows the R14CC to align its 服务 with state goals, 建立共同的愿景, 效率最大化, 并为客户提供结果.


的se exemplary projects highlight the R14CC’s impact across the region, 展示其在阿肯色州的合作努力, 路易斯安那州, 和德州.


为教育工作者提供成长的机会, the R14CC supports the Arkansas 教育部 with the alignment of its programs in a talent development system and strengthening the metrics for evaluating impact. 了解更多: 在阿肯色州增加获得有效教育的机会


的 路易斯安那州 教育部 partnered with the R14CC to design a groundbreaking fiscal data visualization solution—EPIC (教育 Progress and Investment Charts). EPIC uses AI to make data on 路易斯安那州’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) investments and outcomes clear and accessible. 了解更多: 启动路易斯安那州的EPIC仪表板


德克萨斯教育局及其合作伙伴, 包括R14CC, are building statewide school-based mental health supports to ensure 学生, 家庭, 学校, and districts can access the tools and resources necessary to effectively address mental and behavioral health needs. 了解更多: A Collective Approach to Building Safe and Supportive Schools for All Texas Students

For more information about R14CC projects and resources, visit the R14CC网站.








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